In these months of quarantine, while most part of the world stays homes in security, Cenacle Cebu reaches out to Inayawan Dumpsite through the help of social worker and organised volunteers of Enfants du Mékong:
This project ‘Free Kitchen’ aims to provide cooked food to our poorer brothers and sisters in Inayawan Dumpsite, Pardo, Cebu City. There are 110 identified elderly and children who benefit from this project. The elderly are mostly scavengers. Lunch and supper are provided.
Apparently, they did not have much to eat.
Sr. Perry observed as she visited and interacted with the villagers.
– Pope Francis
This project started last April 10 when Cebu City was under ECQ status but it stopped last June 12 when the number of positive cases in the area went up. Last July 8, a friend of the Cenacle gave 10k specifically for this purpose. Since we have not resumed the free kitchen yet, what the social worker suggested was to use the money to buy crackers, coffee and noodles for the elderly. When the volunteers distributed the food packs, the elderly were grateful but they asked when the free kitchen would be back. Apparently, they did not have much to eat. These elderly are mostly scavengers and since the pandemic started they have been warned not to go out because they are at high risk.

How does this work?
Jesus said to them, “Give them some food yourselves.”
Mark 6:37
First, there has to be a kitchen in the area and some volunteers who can cook and are not afraid to bring the cooked food to the homes of the target beneficiaries.
Second: Once the food is cooked, the volunteers bring these to the homes of the elderly. The food prepared is good for lunch and supper and all are prepared in the morning so distribution is only done once, to save time and minimize exposure.
What is the role of the Cenacle?
Our role is to coordinate with the donors and the volunteers. We accept any forms of donation like, cash, rice, fresh eggs, loaves of bread, milk, canned goods, meat, frozen foods, vegetables, cooking oil and even firewood. We then send these to Inayawan.
How can you help?
As simple as a cash donation to
Bank: BPI Account Number: 9200 0030 44
Branch: Cebu P. del Rosario
Account Name: Maria Perry Casinillo Inso OR Elizabeth Lim Go
Gcash option is possible – 0915 7817214 under Sr Perry Inso’s name [please text before sending]
Or a creative way of celebrating life [anniversaries, birthdays etc]: