Finding Peace in a Troubled World
In the midst of an increasingly complex world we sometimes find ourselves caught up in anxiety, uncertainty, feeling “not-together”. It is thus easy to lose perspective and to slip off our sacred center. This retreat invites us to ground our lives on God, the Giver of Peace, so as not to lose our way in the turmoil and complexities of the world.
Forgive and Remember: Healing Your Family Stories
This weekend retreat will focus on the journey of forgiveness as a path to healing our family stories. It will use the genogram as a basic tool of remembering and praying over our family dynamics.
Four Levels of Healing (Dr. Ma. Teresa Gustilo-Villasor, PhD)
Many of us are searching for insight, practical guidance and tools that can support us to heal the wounded places within us. This weekend will help us find wholeness, balance and fulfillment through healing the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical aspects of our lives.
Healing the Earth: Reclaiming the Gift of Contemplation in a Hurried World
The earth is full of desire to tell the great story of Godʼs love. Do we have time to listen? This retreat is an invitation to Contemplation, to dare to see the world as it really is.
It is to come home to our true self and reclaim the precious gift of contemplation that opens us to rediscover the true sources of compassion, serenity and hope in our broken world in need of healing.
“Hello, Itʼs Me”: Prayer Can Be Simple
Each of us is called to a personal, intimate relationship with God. But as in any relationship, the beginning is oftentimes awkward. This weekend offers space and time to discover Godʼs special invitation to this intimate friendship with each one of us. It can be as simple as “hello.”
Hindi Ka Nag-iisa: Exploring Meaning in Being Single
Are you single? Do you ever wonder if you will be single for life? Or are you simply single-in-the-meantime, a single in waiting? Find out the giftedness of being single.
Discover the richness of the single life lived to its fullness. The solitude you experience at this time could be the royal road to your deepest self and the heart of God.
Imaging Godʼs Feminine Presence: A Way of Feminine Spirituality
“Faith begins not in words and concepts but in images and symbols. As human beings, we share our images and symbols of God; in turn these images and symbols shape us. They become lenses for our faith, for our way of looking at ourselves, for our relationship to one another, our society, our economies, our politics…”
This retreat will explore the feminine biblical images of God and lead the participants to engage these images and symbols in their own faith process as a way to an integrated feminine spirituality.
Inner Healing Through Zen
This 3 day retreat aims at helping the participants to: 1) Look reflectively at lifeʼs hurts; 2) Cooperate with Godʼs grace in the healing of memories and hurts through the dynamics of forgiveness; and 3) Move in faith toward “fullness of life.”
Lent – Finding the Hidden Treasure
“The Church is wise in offering us the season of Lent because it can be a time for finding what is missing in our lives. It is a season for finding meaning, rediscovering values lost as we once again reflect on Jesusʼ Passion, Death and Resurrection. The beauty of finding is that all the greatest treasures are in the heart of God.” (Joyce Rupp)
This retreat hopes to help us once again look at the Son, Jesus and to see what He held dear and help us recognize anew how Jesus “re-found” all of us through his death and resurrection.
Life Direction Retreat
Our lives indeed unfold in certain paths, and it is important to consider where we have been and where we would like to go. Most of all, we need to listen to God who journeys with us faithfully. Only in doing so can we find meaning and direction in our life. This weekend retreat includes some input, sharing, prayer and reflection.
Listening With The Heart
This retreat aims to help participants to capture the essence of what it means to have a listening, discerning heart which orders all the choices we make in life. They will also be introduced to the dynamics of prayer and discernment as they seek to find meaning and direction in life.
Loaves and Fishes
Do you consider yourself blessed, and yet yearn for more? Inspired by the miracle of the multiplication of the loaves and fishes in the Gospels, this weekend retreat invites you to notice what God has given and continues to give you, and to listen to the empty spaces still calling within. By praying on these paradoxes, you will discover a God who transforms both blessing and yearning into grace. Indeed, no gift is too small when offered to God.
Love Comes Down: A Weekend on Jesus
“Jesus is the beauty of God in person. When we fall in love with his beauty, we are well on the way to accepting his truth and imitating his goodness.” Gerard Oʼ Collins, Jesus: A Portrait
Youʼve heard about Jesus, known about him, studied him. Now know him first hand, personally, intimately. See Jesus more clearly that you may love him more deeply and follow him more nearly. Get ready for a profound relationship that can change your life forever.