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Managing Stress in Daily Life (Dr. Ma. Teresa Gustilo-Villasor, PhD)

This weekend will take a look at the effects of stress on the quality of oneʼs relationship with self, others and life in general. Several practices to help participants establish inner calmness and peace will be undertaken.

Midlife Spirituality I

 This retreat-seminar aims to help participants attend to the often baffling and challenging experiences that occur at midlife, and discover creative ways of moving through this phase of lifeʼs journey in a way that opens to deeper spirituality.

No Blue Christmas: An Advent Retreat

Christmas for us, Filipinos, is the busiest and supposedly THE season of joy, but amidst the festivities, we sometimes find our hearts seeking for something deeper, something more lasting. This weekend offers an opportunity to prayerfully prepare for the blessed season of Christmas as we encounter the God we long for, the God Who truly comes.

On Work As Profession and Vocation

Originally designed for teachers and entitled: “Teaching as Profession and Vocation”, this retreat is geared for all (teachers and non-teachers) who want to come to a deeper awareness and appreciation of their work as profession, as vocation and as ministry.

Parenting in the Pandemic NEW PROGRAM

A half-day seminar with Ma. Teresa Villasor, PhD. {Dr. Dido} on generational issues that impact family relationships and how cyber affluence is affecting the lives of our young. What is a normal development? What is expected from parents in this changing time? What can we do to facilitate and help develop greater intimacy in the family?

Personality, Spirituality and Prayer Styles (PSPS)

With some basic understanding of Myers-Briggs Personality Types (MBTI), we explore connections with spirituality as regards conversion, prayer and growth in the image and likeness of God.

Prayer & Discernment: From Faithful Listening to Faithful Living

This retreat-seminar will help participants develop a growing sensitivity to the various interior movements and dynamics that influence their spiritual becoming. The participants will be introduced to the Ignatian dynamics of prayer as a tool for opening them up to the process of cultivating a discerning heart.

Prayer & Pilgrimage

A “moving” recollection through selected churches and prayer sites. The emphasis will be on pilgrimage, not tourism: the pilgrim-participants will be offered points for reflection and prayer as they contemplate with and in sacred spaces.

Prayer of Quiet: Revisiting our Contemplative Treasures

This weekend retreat will introduce the retreatant to some of the ancient Christian practices of contemplative prayer or prayer of quiet, adapted to our contemporary times. It will teach how to enter into quiet through centering prayer, kything and other forms of quiet prayer.

Praying Advent: Waiting in Hope

Advent is the time in the Church calendar where we prepare to welcome God once again among us. It is a season of patience, hope and waiting. This time before Christmas is often swallowed up by the busyness of our Christmas preparations. The retreat will be a time to pause and to allow ourselves to prepare interiorly and prayerfully for the coming of Christ.

Praying All Ways: Provisions for the Journey

Life is a journey and prayer is nourishment on our way. This retreat explores ways of praying that may suit the varying seasons and rhythms of our lives of prayer and lead to a deeper encounter with the God of our journey.

Praying Our Belovedness – The Unique Voice of Henri Nouwen

The retreat is a journey of coming home to the reality of the First Love in all our lives — that love which is there before we experience any rejection and will remain even after all rejections take place. It is an invitation to reclaim the truth of our Belovedness. Our true spiritual work has to do with letting ourselves be loved fully, completely and to trust that in that love, we come to the fulfillment of our vocation. This is Henri Nouwenʼs gift and challenge, his enduring legacy for all time.

Praying Our Friendships

Friendship is a gift. It opens up worlds for us within and without. To have a friend is to be profoundly connected to a richly self-defining way of being in the world. Friendship is the sacrament of possibility. Through our friends we come to discover what we cannot see in ourselves and prod it into fullness. It is said that the only way to grow as a true human being is to take the risk of being a friend and giving time to establish a friendship.

Ultimately this experience links us to the promise of a friendship with Jesus, he who is Friend to us all. As St. Ambrose said, “Because God is true, friends can be true….because God offers friendship, we can be each otherʼs friend.”

This retreat explores the important place of friendship in our lives and its significance for spirituality. Each retreatant is encouraged to come with a friend/s (a friend may be a peer, a parent, a sibling, a co-worker, a spouse, a classmate, etc.) to “pray” their relationship together. The retreat includes a ritual of commitment between/among friends.

Praying Our LIfeʼs Questions: A Vocation Recollection

What will I do with my life? Is this all there is to life? Does God have a plan for me?  These are a few of the most common questions that young people ask. This weekend will teach them how to pray and discern the questions that unfold their life purpose. It will also offer them a glimpse of one life option, which is religious life in the Cenacle, by providing them with information and experiences about the life of a Cenacle Sister. (Open only to single women aged 19-33 years old.)

Psychosynthesis I

The focus is on the integration of the personal and transpersonal self, through valuing times of darkness as much as periods of joy and enlightenment; using obstacles as steps to growth rather than promising their complete disappearance; opting more for doubting and risking rather than for guaranteed safety and ecstasy; preferring the creativity of confusion to the deceptive “clarity” of ready-made answers reminding us of efforts as much as effortlessness; acknowledging the immense variability of human beings but promising no standard results; praising the unexpected event that shatters in one moment our model of how we all should be, through recognizing our complexity and finally relating all of the above to spirituality.

Quieting the Soul

Days of prayer and solitude with God. There will be one common sand opportunity for individual consultation with a Cenacle Sister.
