Radiant Hope: The Healing Gift of Christmas
“For you who revere my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise, with healing in its wings.” (Malachi 4:2)
This retreat invites us to pray on the mystery of Christmas: that God sent his Son to be our Savior, “our light in the midst of darkness, our hope in the face of threats, our peace amid turmoil” (Mass at Midnight). Christmas becomes more real, more “everyday” as we discover in our own lives how Jesus is truly “Emmanuel”, “God with us”, and experience the deep grace of His healing love.
Rekindling the Flame: Praying Oneʼs Transitions in the Midpoint of Life
(day of recollection)
This day of reflection and prayer offers an overview of the dynamics underlying the baffling and challenging experiences that occur at the midpoint of our lives, and some creative ways of dealing with them.
Rekindling the Flame: A Weekend Retreat on Praying Oneʼs Transitions in the
Midpoint of Life
This weekend retreat-seminar aims to help participants attend to the often baffling and challenging experiences that occur at the midpoint of life, and discover creative ways of moving through the phase of lifeʼs journey in a way that opens to deeper spirituality.
Sabbath: Finding Rest and Delight in Our Busy Lives
This weekend will hopefully be a “Sabbath time.” It will invite participants to experience rest and renewal in their busy lives; allow themselves to lie fallow and thus be nourished and refreshed.
Sexuality and Spirituality
This seminar will deal with the different aspects of human sexuality and how a person grows toward a developmental perspective of sexuality and the implications for intimacy.
Song and Poetry Weekend
This retreat will introduce the retreatants to use contemporary music and poetry for personal and communal prayer.
Soul-Weaving: A Way To God Through Story Telling
All of us desire to make sense of our lives. We want to find the meaning of both the ordinary and extraordinary events in our lives. We search for connections and links to God.
This weekend retreat will provide some ways to do this by story-telling and helping us discover the power of imagination. There will be brief inputs, time for prayer, reflection and sharing.
Spirituality and Film
Film as a medium presents us with a way of incarnating God in the world through the use of narratives, symbols and images. The weekend will explore the role of imagination in spirituality and in Ignatian contemplation.
Spirituality for the Golden Years
A weekend of praying, reminiscing, reflecting and sharing on experiences and issues of the golden years — for quality life and fullness of life. For those 50 years and above who consciously make a choice for LIFE.
The Fine Art of Adulting NEW PROGRAM
Explore and discover the interior heroic journey of growing up as a young adult using some reflections and insights based on David Richo’s book ‘How To Be An Adult’. Sessions over 4 mornings include input, reflection/prayer time and faith sharing in small groups. Open to persons between 23 and 39 years old.
Through the Shadowed Valley: Praying with Suffering and Loss
A retreat of gently encountering our losses in life, and through them discover the merciful God who sustains us, even as we “walk through the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23:4).”
Vocation Discernment
This is a weekend offered to single young professionals (men and women) who need time to focus their attention on their attraction to religious life. It introduces them to what vocation is, prayer and discernment and some facts about religious life. Being a retreat experience, opportunity for silence, prayer and reflection is offered to them. It simply is a time to listen more closely to God in oneself and oneʼs vocation.
What Do I Want? Praying the Desires of My Heart
We are a mesh of desires. Often we dismiss these desires because they seem to be inescapably linked to the world. But we need to listen to our desires, especially those deepest in us. It is important to treat our desires with the respect they deserve. Our desires mark us. They identify us. They tell us who we are as persons in relationship.
Many great spiritual writers and teachers have used desire as a central metaphor for the human search for God. In the deepest of our longings, we realize it is God we seek. And in our seeking, it is God who finds us. God meets us desire for desire.
This weekend retreat is an invitation to pray the desires of our heart and to see the ways in which they relate with discernment and spirituality.
Wanting What We Want: Further Along the Journey of Desire
How do we know where we are on the journey? How do we nurture our spirits as we move on? These are some questions the retreat addresses. (It would be beneficial, but not required, if you have attended the “Praying Our Desires” retreat).
When Love Hurts: Understanding Our Family Dynamics
This weekend offers participants time and space to discover and reflect upon their family dynamics, and to bring these to God in prayer. Hopefully, this experience moves them further in the path of healing.
Thank you for submitting your comment!
Emilie Tan / February 7, 2020., 2:45 pm
Do you have retreats or special programs for married couples to help strengthen marriages? My husband and I are turning 5 years this year and it would be nice to have a retreat to help continue strengthening our marriage. A one-day retreat together or one weekend will be good.
Cenacle / June 2, 2020., 8:33 pm
Dear Emilie, it is lovely to hear your desire for this retreat. Unfortunately due to the pandemic, we have suspended retreats in the house. We intend to reopen for small group of retreatants only beginning mid June. If you still would like to consider a retreat here in the house, please submit the request form and we'll discuss with the Sisters on their availability: www.cenaclephilsing.org/retreat-guide/ Thank you and we really hope to receive you and your husband someday soon. Take care!
Marilyn T. Barrameda / February 24, 2020., 10:19 am
I would to have a weekend retreat on April 25 & 26,2020, individually guided focusing on life direction & silence in the middle of many expectations ,challenges & mission to fullfil as a professional social worker & other roles to do.
Cenacle / June 2, 2020., 8:30 pm
Dear Marilyn, sorry for the late reply. We have options for online individually-directed retreat. Please submit a request form if you still like to proceed with a retreat or Spiritual Direction (www.cenaclephilsing.org/online-retreat/) We also have another retreat online from Jun 12-16: http://www.cenaclephilsing.org/event/spiritual-exercises-in-a-covid-19-world-finding-meaning-in-this-pandemic/ For other programs, and more upcoming, please refer to http://www.cenaclephilsing.org/calendar/ God bless and stay safe!
Jong Vital / February 29, 2020., 8:50 pm
Spirituality for the Golden Years A weekend of praying, reminiscing, reflecting and sharing on experiences and issues of the golden years — for quality life and fullness of life. For those 50 years and above who consciously make a choice for LIFE. I'm interested on this kind of retreat. May i know the schedules for this. thanks.
Cenacle / June 2, 2020., 8:26 pm
Dear Jong, thank you for your interest in "Spirituality for the Golden Years". Due to the current situation, we have suspended group retreats until further notice. We do have other online programs, our new initiatives, but this topic is yet to be made available. We will hold your interest in mind. Please continue to follow us on our events page: www.cenaclephilsing.org/calendar/ God bless and stay safe!
Mitch / April 28, 2022., 10:24 pm
Hello. Do you have a program where the grieving a spouse may be companioned along the way of healing, and comforted through spirituality? Thank you.
Cenacle / August 7, 2022., 11:46 am
Hi, Mitch. Apologies for our late revert. Our private retreats can be catered to your needs such as grieving over a spouse who passed on. You may fill out this form and we will get back to you and match you to a Cenacle Sister who can journey with you. http://www.cenaclephilsing.org/retreat-guide/ Thankyou for your patience!